AI & Android Development the new Era of Programming world

android development

AI & Android Development the new Era of the Programming world

AI (Artificial Intelligence)

Artificial Intelligence commonly known as AI is something like machine intelligence. Typically it is the intelligence exhibited by machines in contrast to natural language exhibited by human and other creatures. AI research can be defined as the study of an intelligent agent, i.e., any device that perceives its environment and takes a quick decision like a human being.

It’s the theory and installation of a computer system able to Perform activity normally associated with human beings and other animals. The example of AI are Robots, auto-running automobile, Speech recognition. AI system normally takes actions as a living being. It is the technology which enables the developer to create the machine that thinks, act, and respond like a human being.

android development

Why AI

Rather than focusing On career options, opportunity, jobs, and wages let us talk about passion. There is no-one in the world who doesn’t like a machine where AI system is applied. In case you have an interest in building some of the greatest functional devices with no error then AI is what you have to learn.

Everything in today’s world depends on the machine; Without this, I can not imagine my life. Can you? Though human itself construct these machine we mankind cannot perform a task like a machine. They don’t get tired of doing work. All you need to do is just supply power and fuel. Just imagine there is a world where all of the machines do the job normally like human beings. Imagine a machine that serves you in each part of your daily life; Life would be too much easy.

Well, AI is not about programming and frameworks, it is about Research and how do you develop a problem-solving machine using AI. As soon as you found a solution, then there is a number of the developer to execute your ideas.

You can build an application like traffic control, automating Support, automating manufacturing, Fraud Detection, Imposing legislation without corruption, lie detector, Automatic running automobile, and many more. As soon as you build an application, then that may be offered in millions of dollar.

There’s a belief that the computer will be as smart as human beings by 2040. There are lots of Tech companies who does AI research and take it as very serious notice. You can locate your career all over the world and make a secure future.

Career opportunity

The career in AI can be realized within a variety of Settings including private companies, public organization, education, health, military, and Government business. Creating a practical application and giving it to your government is the best thing you can do. But working for a private as well as a governmental organization is not a bad idea also.


Country Salary
US $90,000
Australia $95,000
UK £50,000
India $5,500
Nepal $3,000


Android Development

Developing apps for the android phone is android development in simple language. Android is an operating system and programming platform developed by Google for smartphones and other mobile devices. As iOS app only runs on Apple’s product, but the android program runs on several different android OS made by different companies.

The mobile application is developed for a variety of reasons: Addressing business requirements, building new services, developing new business, expanding the settled company and providing Games and other types of entertainment thing to the consumer. Majority of people around the world use Android phones, so, the developer decides to reach maximum men and women. The developer has to pay a certain amount to place their app on Google Play Store, and when the user uses the program, revenue can be collected by advertisements.

Why Android Development

This is the world’s most popular mobile platform, powering 100 of millions of mobile devices all over the world. The consumer base is so big that each day thousands of consumer get a new android phone and start trying to find apps and games.

One of the greatest features of Android OS is open source. You Can make any kinds of programs that you have in your mind. Just get a concept and begin working, to create the apps, there’s absolutely no boundary.

Another advantage of the android is that its user-base. Because of the high amount of user, you can make more than you think by a single program. Google enables the user to price their app in Google play at higher speed. When people want to purchase your app, there’s the revenue. And when a user clicks on an advertisement, there is the revenue. Earning through the android app is quite easier nowadays. Just a fantastic idea and you are done.

The community of Android developer is quite large according to iOS Developer, you will have great support from the pro level developer, and there are many websites to help you. So, it is going to be easy for you to learn Android Programming and development.

There are more job opportunities evolving day-by-day than you think. As the consumer increases, the chance of doing something and earning money also increases. People are getting into digitization, and the first thing to do is android program development for their company. As soon as they got a site, they build the program. With this trend of people for Android, there is more job awaiting you.

Career opportunity

There are many career options for an Android programmer. Beginning a career as an Android developer is an intelligent choice I would say. As soon as you get into the large organization, you may learn more than you think. The client-base, marketplace, and most significantly more programming knowledge. You can even work as a freelancer, also can work as a Startup, Even lunch your product to earn daily. The global salary base of the Android developer is provided below.

Country Salary(annual)
US $119,195
UK £45,675
Australia $80,977
India $5,500
Nepal $4,5000