Check out the Top Five Tips on How to Build Highly Dynamic Websites in 2018


There are many programming languages popularly used to build highly dynamic websites. In the coming year, expect to have innovations and trends to keep up with the ever-changing requirements of business organizations. A web development company, for instance, will continue to use the latest innovations in developing highly dynamic websites.

Web development Australia continues to cater and deliver quality services in website and web apps development. The country is keeping a competitive edge by keeping updated with the latest technology trends, offering a range of services. Web development companies in the country have a team of web developers, designers, and digital strategists. They deliver measurable outcomes that empower the clientele all over the world.

build highly dynamic websites

NEW WEB DEVELOPMENT TRENDS TO EXPECT IN 2018 Looking back, this year has been quite interesting, particularly in the e-commerce web design sphere. Many new trends have taken the internet by storm and now are widely used on numerous websites in general. The innovative web design strategies have witnessed a boost I web traffic as well as overall conversion rates. For website design Australia, it pays to take a closer look at the new trends in web development and what would become the most relevant in 2018.

Tips to build highly dynamic websites

#1. Mobile-friendly optimization.

These days, everyone is on their mobile phones all the time, spending much time there instead of in front of a computer. People have turned to multi-tasking, in which mobile phones and devices play such a big role. As a result, web designers would have to follow suit and optimize their sites for 2018 and make the more mobile-friendly to draw even more visitors.

#2. More Store Features.

Customers don’t like to be limited by the options given on a website. Thus, some web design companies focus their e-commerce web development on giving more features for a richer shopping cart experience. An unlimited number of products and categories that could be placed on a shopping page is just one of them. Furthermore, social media integration is another neat feature that will be neck to neck with mobile optimization. Additionally, countdown timers are a great way of closing a deal with limited-time offers in the form of free shipping and discounts.

#3. Personalized experience.

The customer is always right is a business saying that is especially true these days, wherein e-commerce has become very customer-oriented that they do all the online shopping entirely on their own. Customers today could use a helping hand to guide them through the buying process. This is where guided selling in the form of personalized questioners and chat-bots come into play.

#4. Integration of video content.

Video content is a highly entertaining form of storytelling and an outstanding way to convey complex information that otherwise would be very hard to explain by words alone. It comes as no big surprise that such content is trending fast currently. There are websites that have been integrating video content on the product detail pages, making the browsing experience a whole lot more enjoyable as well as informative.

#5. Reviews and testimonials.

Testimonials and reviews the implementation of the web design would probably be more prominent in 2018, seeing how effective it was recently. By some estimates, 88 percent of customers consider online testimonials as highly as personal recommendations, that to say the least is big. Customers likely are to buy goods from a website with these features on them rather than an unknown, random e-commerce website. The reason behind this is that the web is full of scammers, and having someone to attest to the quality of goods offer some assurance that a business is entirely and legitimate


#1Get mobilized.

Back in 2014, after several searches done on mobile devices exceeded desktop computer searches, Google publicized its intention to prioritize website that is mobile-friendly in its search results. Now, mobile searches escalated to nearly 60 percent of the search market. As a result, mobile responsive upgrade today is a standard in web development. It enables a website to resize its dimensions for a browser window for any device and provide it with a more app-like look.

#2. Secure the website.

To raise online security awareness, Google introduced the HTTPS, as a factor in ranking algorithms to have more webmasters purchase SSL certificates. Until presently, only sites that processed credit cards or other private data were required for SSL certificate encryption. Nevertheless, with recent breaches in data and malware attacks, security now is foremost in everyone’s minds.

#3. Ramp up speed.

With the web industry accommodating more mobile users, page load time has become a key contributing factor to web abandonment. As a matter of fact, an estimated 70 percent of users leave a website if it is unable to load in four seconds and a one-second delay in loading a page could result in an astonishing 7 percent drop of customer conversions. This means that web performance has never been more vital to better rates of conversion, particularly for mobile users. The ultimate goal would be to minimize page load time to one or two seconds.

Check out the Top Five Tips on How to Build Highly Dynamic Websites in 2018 1

#4. Overhaul the web apps.

With more and more people browsing on their mobiles, installing phone apps has fallen considerably in the last couple of years. As mobile apps have to be downloaded and installed and take up little space, users tend not to install them. A lot of e-commerce providers were forced to change strategy for mobile users. The result is the rise of a new kind of app, the Progressive Web App. It is a web-based app that behaves and look like phone apps. Referred often as hybrids between websites and mobile apps, they are completely web-based and work on any browser or platform, with features that deliver app-like function.

#5. Include micro-interactions.

Micro-interactions are not new on the internet. They’ve grown in value as they add to the end-user experience by letting users interact more with the content. One of the most common micro-interactions seen would be the share button that’s associated with FB, enabling users to post information to the news feed without leaving a page they are viewing. Micro-integrations provide websites more personality with a game-like approach by enabling users to interact without reloading or refreshing page content.

E-commerce websites that are trending currently are the ones that provide many informative features as well as a genuine personalized experience. Companies must change how they manage their websites to keep up with the changes and tech evolution in 2018.

Get a highly dynamic website