
How Phone Marketing is making an Impact on Your Business

phone marketing

How Phone Marketing Impact on Business

Businesses today are tailoring their marketing strategies to become mobile-friendly. This is important because the conversion rates of smartphones are much higher than desktop. Therefore, it is very crucial for businesses to reach out to both their potential and existing customers. They can do so through mobile messages or apps as with passing time, more and more people are investing in smartphones.

And rightfully so. Carrying a laptop or a tablet is a hassle in itself. I, myself, prefer making online purchases. Only recently, OORKtech sent an SMS promoting the company’s Local Business offer. I was glad the company sent a link to subscribe to the offer as well. And within minutes of reading the message, I subscribed myself to a package that met my usage requirements.

Similarly, the majority of people prefer making transactions via mobile phones. And there are many ways by which phone marketing is making an impact on businesses these days.

Improved Communication

Mobile phones allow business owners to stay connected to their customers wherever they are. They can answer queries or respond to any concerns that the users are facing from anywhere. One does not need to be present in the office premises to interact with the target audience. Even if you are traveling, mobile phones make it easy for you to stay connected. From social media apps to the company website, everything is accessible through smartphones. Moreover, smartphones provide avenues for you to expand your business in international markets as well. To say that mobile phones are a blessing for businesses today won’t be an over-statement. They have made it easier for consumers to interact with the company representatives. Emails and social media has benefited businesses in numerous ways. Hence, increasing the revenues for them.

Improved Customer Service

In today’s age, consumers are more aware than ever. They ask of businesses to reply within minutes after asking a query. And if a business fails to live up to the expectations of a consumer, he does not think twice before swapping to a new brand. This is how competitive the market has become. Therefore, businesses have to keep in touch with the customers.

And solve any issue that they are facing as soon as they can. Mobile phones have made it easy for companies to receive emails and feedbacks that can be catered to even when on the go. Thus increasing the engagement level of the business with a customer. It is now easier to provide a good quality customer service. Also, you can answer individual queries of customers. This aspect of personalization makes the customers feel valued. It creates a strong bond between the company and the customer

Reach a Broader Market

The world is a global village. It holds very true for the world that we currently live in. With the advancements in technology, it has become easy to connect to anyone across the globe. Smartphones are just one of those many inventions that have made it easy to reach more people.

Businesses can now access any market around the globe. With smartphones comes mobile apps of companies that everyone can download and make purchases through them. Sitting in the States, you can order a sweater you saw online on a British website. And within days it will be delivered to your doorstep.

Track Thy Location

It is now easier than before for online apps and search engines to make suggestions to individuals according to their then location. Search engines like Google are smart and keep a track of all your browsing activities and your locations. This helps them to suggest you a place (can be a store or a restaurant) in your nearby vicinity.

This asks of the businesses to be more active than ever as they have to fight to land a good place on the search engine’s result page. Search engine optimization has a very crucial part to play in this scenario. Google will only suggest or display places or businesses that meet the algorithms. Hence. It is important for you to keep yourself updated with all the latest advancements in the algorithm so that you can make changes to your site or app accordingly.

And if it seems a hassle, hire experts. Because SEO plays a very important role in the success of online businesses these days. Quoting a recent example, I was searching for Guest Posting  on Google and a list of websites appeared before me. All companies were offering the same service. But some made it to the first two to three spots while others could not. This implies that those websites could not keep up with the algorithm. Hence, losing in ranks.

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