
How To Drive More Traffic Using Email Marketing

How To Drive More Traffic Using Email Marketing 1

How To Drive More Traffic Using Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most powerful ways to drive traffic for your business on the internet. Email marketing is a simple yet effective marketing strategy, which works excellent for startups as well as the bigger businesses. Billions of people all around the world use smartphones or a personal computer and anyone who has a smartphone or a personal computer has an email address, and that is why the conversion rate is still high. Outlined below are five ways to drive traffic for your business through email marketing.


  1. Email Signup Button – You can create an email signup button on your Facebook page, on your blog, on your website or you can personally inbox people who are interested in your business and ask them for their email address. Make sure to give your subscribers a powerful message, like why they should signup for your emails. Promote your signup button on your social media handles as much as you can, the more you will promote the more people will signup for your email list.


  1. Video Email Marketing – If you have a lot to explain then you can create a video instead of writing and spending too much time. As well as many people will ignore long emails. So, create a video with a powerful message and with a great thumbnail because the thumbnail is representing your video, one will only click on the video if the thumbnail is interesting.


  1. Mobile Friendly Emails – Mostly everyone who has an email address, is having a smartphone. So, make sure you’re creating mobile-friendly emails else your time, and your hard work is at risk of getting wasted. Make sure the text is readable across all types of devices, and the font, as well as the theme, looks perfect across all kinds of devices.


  1. Professional Emails – Anyone who wants to buy your product or is interested in doing business with you must be expecting a professional email from you, not a friendly or a free email. Choose the perfect theme, the perfect font, and the ideal color. Make it really catchy and exciting to read. Provide detailed information and ask yourself how is the email. Provide great details in a short paragraph. Tell your subscribers a story or about great feedback; this helps in building the trust level between you and the receiver.


  1. Always Reply – Always reply to the questions your subscribers are having, this will build a level of trust among you, and your receiver, as well as this, will deliver great values and a gesture of care because not everyone replies to their subscribers. Always read and try to always respond to all the feedback you receive because it will help you in improving your emails and your products.


So, these were the five ways to drive traffic through email marketing. Keep trying email marketing templates until you find the one which works, keep on creating the perfect email. Focus, focus and focus toward your goal, nothing is impossible. These are some valuable tips, read them twice, thrice or until you understand it completely. To find email addresses for email marketing, you can buy an email list or try email extracting software, also known as scraping.


Author Bio:

Ashish Kumar is a successful digital marketer and web developer who has helped many small and large businesses to grow their online presence. He is also a passionate blogger at We Bring Ideas.

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