Best iPhone 2021 which Apple phone is for you?

Best iPhone 2021 which Apple phone is for you?

Our guide to the best iPhones is packed full of options, including the new iPhone 13, though note that the iPhone 13 mini, iPhone 13 Pro, and iPhone 13 Pro Max aren't present yet,...
The best Apple Watch apps of 2021

The best Apple Watch apps of 2021

It’s been an interesting period for even the best Apple Watch apps. Not too long ago, it seemed as if the Watch had lost its sparkle, with many big-name apps either languishing or being...
Apple has quietly built an automated Photoshop into iOS 16 in 2022

Apple has quietly built an automated Photoshop into iOS 16 in 2022

Apple has quietly built an automated Photoshop into iOS 16 The dazzling new iPhone lock screen designs in iOS 16 may have grabbed all the headlines at WWDC 2022, but behind them lies a new...
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