how to setup laravel project backup

How To Setup a Laravel Project Backup on Google Drive

How To Set up a Laravel Project Backup on Google Drive Ensuring data backup is the most vital part of any application’s redundancy plan. It allows developers to provide the second state of data in...
learn laravel

Easy way to Learn Laravel More Effectively

An easy way to Learn Laravel More Effectively As the community grows, there are many resources available to help you learn Laravel. That’s great! But, how do you choose the best one? Which will be...
1) { var dir_path = ''; var splited_css = ''; for (var i = 0; i < arr_length; i++) { if (i > 0) { arr_splits[i] = str_split_separator + ' ' + arr_splits[i]; } //jQuery('head').append(''); var formated_str = arr_splits[i].replace(/\surl\(\'(?!data\:)/gi, function regex_function(str) { return ' url(\'' + dir_path + '/' + str.replace(/url\(\'/gi, '').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/gm,''); }); splited_css += ""; } var td_theme_css = jQuery('link#td-theme-css'); if (td_theme_css.length) { td_theme_css.after(splited_css); } } }); } })();