Facebook Marketing Tips

facebook marketing tips

#Facebook marketing tips

Social media marketing is online marketing platform where you can engage with your targeted audience to grow your business and generate more leads, Nowadays people looking for leads for your business and they purchase leads related to your business at very high cost because they are not aware of the social media marketing.

Nowadays social media have largest population platform where you can post your business product, video, and images and it will be viral in few days through social media because lots of people are searching your requirements from social media.

If you are looking to promote your business through digital marketing then you can select some platform which having lots audience available which is mention below:


  1. The Facebook
  2. Twitter
  3. Instagram
  4. Linkedin
  5. Google Plus

These are the most likely social media platform which has million and billion audiences according to your business requirements now we will let you know how to generate traffic and increase people engagement to your post using above the platform.

What are the benefits of Facebook marketing to your business?

If you are looking to promote your business through the Facebooks then you need to know about the benefits of the Facebook how it will help to improve your business, there are few steps which is mention below before promoting your business.


#1 Know your Business and your targeted audience.

First of all, you need to know about targeted audience for your business because if you are not aware of it, then you need to pay more amount and to get a lesser number of leads. The benefits of targeted audience are that the chances of conversion are very high.

For example, if you have a website designing company and providing service of website design then you need to find out the people those are working or having a business Because people having a business they required website or service.

So we need to show your business ads to your targeted audience and increase the chance of leads generation at low cost because showing your ads to everyone on the Facebook we need a high budget and chance of conversion is very low but if you need quality leads at a low budget then you need to follow the targeted audience strategy.

#2 How to generate leads from your post

If you are posting on Facebook to generate leads we need to think about the content if your content is good you will get best, and quality leads. Here we will let you know about how to mix your content so you will get the best result because of lots of people not aware of the posting rules, there are two of posting which is good and having a great result which is mention below

* 80-20 rules: If you follow 80-20 rules then you need to mix your 80% content about the awareness entertain and educate the people about your business because the Facebook also help to build a relationship with your audience and rest of 20% you can post for promoting your brand and business so people will know about your business and brand so they can connect with you.

* One third posting rule: If you are using your post in one-third task then you need to keep in mind how to mix content vs. promotional. So you need to post one-third portion of your content to promote your brand and business and another one third you need to post your ideas and stories, rest of one third you need to interact with your followers that will help to grow your business and lead generation.

#3 What is The Facebook Business page?

To promote your business, the Facebook allows users to create the Facebook business page related your profile which is free of cost once you get the idea of your targeted audience and what to post, where to post then you need to create a Facebook page where you can add your content and engage with the follower.

The Facebook allows you to add your business detail on the Facebook business page where you can add your contact number, the website about your business, profile picture, and background, etc.